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Reviews of the new CD These Moments Are Momentum
(Eyeball Records/Astro Magnetics)

INTERVIEW Magazine, Greil Marcus
“Cleveland by way of Omaha, and more exciting than driving the 800 miles at 100 mph.”

"This is a pretty rad CD. It's one of the ones that you can't really categorize or compare to a long list of other bands, which bodes well for the band and their future, but it makes reviews hard as hell. I suppose you could call it post-hardcore, but these dudes don't fit into the whole screamo world or anything like that. I'd say they're more akin to Fugazi than anyone else. Just some seriously great rock songs that you've never heard before. The vocal approach is strong and the way the lyrics flow throughout the song is pretty stellar. Strong, propulsive drums and guitars layered over heavy bass lines lead to some sick songs. Real good stuff."

“THE LOVEKILL bring us These Moments Are Momentum – Fast big city sounds from Cleveland. Sticking it where it feels really good. Tense, edgy, exciting and, yes, full of momentum. A serious understanding of where they stand. These guys rock out in a post-hardcore world.”

“With a sound that is fast and art-punk influenced, the Lovekill are a post-punk dreamboat. These Moments Are Momentum is filled with quick, carefully crafted Sonic Youth-meets-Rites of Spring songs, with each track almost better than the next. Like a trip down ’90s post-hardcore lane, the band have all the noise of Drive Like Jehu and all the technicality of Milemarker. Finding a home on Astro Magnetics, the label run by Thursday’s Geoff Rickly, the Lovekill are surely a force soon to be reckoned with.”

“The dude who handwrote the lyrics has worse penmanship than I have, which is saying something, and so I recognize him as a spiritual brother. The Lovekill are evidently unconcerned with the penmanship phase of the exam because they are too busy rocking the fuck out to care. This is some heavy pounding for your earholes but it's not out of control noise, more like the wild 'n' woolly hardcore of Bear vs. Shark and The Ghost. This guitarist does some pinky-stretching stuff that lays down some Husker Du tones atop these shifty chords. He's a busy creature, this guitarist. This band hails from Ohio, and nothing makes Ohio seem more rad than recording in Nebraska, which they did. The boredom and threat of buggery if they stepped outside forced them to hunker down and create a granite-solid record that would snuggle up to your Dischord collection. Spin up "Ride On, Miner" and you'll feel like you're being dragged by wild horses across gravel. They have a great post-punk delivery that will make you forget all about how misused terms like "post-punk" have become. The bio claims the bassist is a girl, not that you can ever hear her vocals or you'd know the difference in the 4 string department. On "Heart Wires" you'd be forgiven for picturing some dude who failed shop hunching over his P-bass and bending the fuck out of it. Maybe Carla Cherry failed shop. Who knows. This is a record without second-guesses or pandering, a good, hard statement.”

“Launching with the band’s debut full-length, Cleveland’s The Lovekill are re-writing the face of post-hardcore with their new album, These Moments Are Momentum. Ten tracks of noisy, squalling jazz/punk, layered with grungy vocals. “Palms and Gin” gives listeners the first taste of what is to come. Clashing distorted and smashing guitars together with a 70’s disco twist make up “Palms and Gin.” “The Refrain of the AM” follows next, starting with a dark, Cursive-like-smash riff that is heard repeated among Christopher Rager and Carla Cherry’s harmonized singing. “Heart Wires” is one of the more aggressive punk-rock efforts filled with heavy rock n’ roll and the art-punk style reminiscent of the early 90’s.”

“I continue to be very impressed with Geoff Rickly's Astro Magnetics label; the Thursday frontman has taken an opportunity squandered by many, and used it to create an imprint with a very real identity and philosophy, and not just not the one you'd expect from the post-hardcore heroes. Instead, with releases from the Valley Arena and the Blackout Pact, the common denominator seems to be a solid punk base. The Valley Arena incorporated rhythmic art-punk like Gang of Four, while the Blackout Pact paid tribute to the distinctive and gritty sound of Hot Water Music. The Lovekill certainly continues this tradition, keeping a strong 90s base, but infusing it with the sound of heavier art punks like Mission of Burma and Cursive. The band boasts a heavy angularity inherited from both those bands as well as vocals which have that Guy Picciotto-esque sung/spoken quality to them, and sharp, staccato guitars which occasionally wash into melodic leads. Throughout the recording, the band maintains a relentless tempo, and is refreshingly energetic; tracks like “Palms and Gin” and “These Moments Are Momentum” are injected with a cool energy and strong instrumental performances. “Heart Wires” is another particularly strong track, with a great hook, and a memorable bridge driven by guitarist Jonah Bayer. Though the album is not just Bayer's despite his wonderful leads, bassist Carla Cherry and drummer Craig Ramsey maintain a rock-solid rhythmic base which keeps everything propelled forward, both creatively and musically. Words should also be written about Stephen Pederson (Criteria) and his exemplary production; though the record was recorded in what the label described as a “damp basement, ” you'd never know it from the sound of the record, which is warm and manages to transcribe both the band's angularity and strong low end. With a sound that pays tribute to the definitive sounds of early Dischord and Touch and Go, and strong songwriting throughout, the Lovekill have assembled a terrific debut, and another memorable release from Astro Magnetics. Well-recommended.”

“The average person can tell when something exceptional comes along, regardless if this thing is something that that person would normally enjoy; Although one might not appreciate modern art, one can tell a piece of good art by its creativity and innovation. That piece of good art is the Lovekill’s newest release. Place it in anyone’s CD player and they’ll tell you the same thing–this is quality music. The Lovekill blends Dag Nasty hardcore with the hyperactive natures of the Pixies and Fugazi’s unique sound. It is Indie, whatever that term means these days, with its unclassifiable style; at the same time, it is punk at its “fuck the established sound” finest. Even to those who might not typically listen to music that sounds remotely like this, the Lovekill showcases energy and spirit that speaks universally to connoisseurs to the art of sound. The band proves that they are more than the people trying to ride on a trend. The guitar solo on “Sleepover” has the underground sound of a cheap recording by a band that wanted nothing more than to get their music out. It works for this album and give the song the nature that the chaotic melody is coming directly from the listeners head. “Ride on, Miner” encourages maniacal dancing to the fast, distortion- filled guitar strumming. “Years” is emotion-ridden, dripping with meaning with each word that leaves the lead singer’s mouth. These Moments are Momentum is destined to be that album that college students immortalize in their dorm room stereos (or on their iTunes playlists). Whether you download, borrow, or buy your CDs, get your hands on a copy of the Lovekill’s newest release as soon as possible. It could, quite possibly, be the best buy of your year.”